Saturday, September 27, 2008

`Be vigilant` did she say..??

Yes, the CM has appealed Delhi people to be vigilant. Yes, lets herd together, move in tribes, carry shovels and pieces of stones, build fire at nights and wake up at every rustling sound in the bush or better, not sleep at all.... because the state apparently needs a much louder explosion to be shaken out of its slumber.
The Human Resource minister is rightly quoted saying that they cannot provide security to each and every citizen..... thanks to the terrorists, they at least take responsibility for their actions, or inactions....
Our leaders are busy flaunting their wardrobes, while the bomb blast victims collect every shred of clothing they can find of their kins blown up.Yes, we are a little too many to be taken care of, and dont worry Mr. minister, we have many more to sacrifise to your apathy. And yes, please bring more security when you come for a tour of the affected areas, you should not die trying to feign concern and sympathy, we wont want to confer martyrdom on you,if you manage to get mistakenly killed in the mayhem.

We are dying....

Can somebody HELP.

In what terms do we count the victims of a bomb blast, the people who got killed or those who are left behind collecting the limbs, or those who read and read again or listen and listen again to the news which says that there has been another blast in the city, and call up every relative, friend or acquaintance to make sure everyone they know is safe, `still alive` to be precise.
Yes, I am not safe, I am `still alive`, because I dint need groceries today,because I had no one in particular I wanted to meet today, because I stayed home the whole day, and mostly because perhaps it was not my turn today.
Are the Intelligence services defunct already, only we din`t realize, are we guarding the wrong frontiers or are has the terror war dissolved all frontiers already,what is it that we monitor round the clock but still cant see or foresee....
And when every thing has failed for sure, are we simply waiting for more bodies to arrive. When will the time come for attack, or at least for some meaningful defense,when will the government realize that this is a state of emergency and we need a national emergency now, that it needs to carry out a full scale offensive, and not one-to-one elimination; that now is the time to nab a hundred `suspects` if that would eliminate even one culprit, to hell with human rights,save the humans first.
We have nursed the maggots in our wounds for long now and not done anything to remove them thinking it might hurt that part of the body. We beg for peace, and pay a price for it and then again pay a price for having paid a price already.
Dear government, we are not left with the spirit to kick back to life in event of a looming threat, we cannot pretend that we are not terrorized, and more because of your inability to protect us. We cant light candles for the dead anymore, and show that we stand against terrorism. We are tired, and afraid.Please get those security cameras, alarms, ambulances and the guns in action...