Sunday, November 9, 2008

1200 century, Bharat

Or whatever you called it then....
And I hope I get the date right.
Morning slogan : Send all non-marathis out of Maharashtra, bcz they are eating up on the employment in the state.
Chuck the rhetoric about globalisation, we need a 'pure' state. we will send away all the doctors, engineers , vendors, hawkers, conduct a 'purification ritual' and rebuild the state. And in return we will run a pick-up train collecting all our guys from each part of the country, the world, get them back home and again give them a good cleansing bath and add them to th rebuilding ceremony. While we drive out all pollutants from other states, we shall not leave our own guys to be kicked out, who knows the other not-so-good guys might want to get square.
We will play "My Home", not visit any other land, stop imports and exports because we want to have nothing to do with other people,swicth off tvs or watch only 'Maratha TV' channel or else it would be a sacrilege against the maratha spirit, we will not acknowledge the govt bcz it sits in Delhi and why the hell do we need any other government when we have self-proclaimed public Gods to make laws and run our 'Country'. We will eat and wear what we grow at home, no one of our people will go out on vacations to any other part of India or to any foreign country, let the hatred be true and functional.
And let me see if a couple of years down the line , I can also demand to me made a free country, an island to be precise and then I will float solitary to glory ...Cheerz!!

Help me, I might just die laughing, and plz tell me if I mixed up the dates or something bcz this kind of "no-outsider revolution" could not be happeing for real in this century, and that too in a literate, grown-up society. I am not asking for sensitivity, but for a little sensibility, an undertstanding of things around us, and if you are still in some dreamland, then get a life - No My Dear, you cannot survive alone !!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Picchle saat dino me….maine khoya

Ek addhi padhi novel…
Meri laundry ka ek bill…
Nana na na na nana na na na…

What could losing a half read novel or a laundry bill possibly mean, let me see, it could mean having lived a few light years in a flash, having travelled over half the globe with eyes closed only to wake up and find yourself in a place where everyone speaks a different language and everything hangs upside down, it could mean having forgotten to walk and tumble every time you try to put a step forward, it could mean to find that nobody lives at the address you thought they did, or is found on the phone number you thought they had, it could mean to learn that the world around you was never the way you thought it was, and the bitter enlightenment hits right at the time you want it to be the last thing to start happening for real…. But then, remember, it’s the losing season for you….
Let me count what all I have lost in the last few days, a phone with a few important contact addresses and some pics I liked, a wallet with some money inside, not a big amount but I was really counting on it to avoid having to borrow from someone, a digital dictionary which I seldom used but liked having…… strange how things look so important after you have lost them- what is it, human psychology, sheer nostalgia, duh duh… then I lost a coffee mug I bought in pair, a pair of shoes…funny , who would ever need those , I believe someone should always use the things that you lose, what is point in not having them anymore then…. then, I lost some people I loved, a few people I thought I could trust, a few coins from Russia and Philippines I got as gift from my friends at the university, a couple of stuffed toys…phew…..
And now, I think of people who tell me I am crazy keeping a list of things that I lost during the journey, that’s life my friend they tell me….. crap. Don’t teach me about this emotional baggage crap, it’s a goodie bag for sure, if not a treasure box. Count and keep a list of things you lose, you would know how to value what you are left with….on the contrary, it might even help you now get rid of things which you were meaninglessly hanging on to thinking it did matter but knew deep inside that it was just your 'cancerian' coin,matchbox,doll-collector-self at play..

Mere kaam ka ek paper…
Ek ladki ka phone number…
Nana na na na, nana na na na

Saturday, September 27, 2008

`Be vigilant` did she say..??

Yes, the CM has appealed Delhi people to be vigilant. Yes, lets herd together, move in tribes, carry shovels and pieces of stones, build fire at nights and wake up at every rustling sound in the bush or better, not sleep at all.... because the state apparently needs a much louder explosion to be shaken out of its slumber.
The Human Resource minister is rightly quoted saying that they cannot provide security to each and every citizen..... thanks to the terrorists, they at least take responsibility for their actions, or inactions....
Our leaders are busy flaunting their wardrobes, while the bomb blast victims collect every shred of clothing they can find of their kins blown up.Yes, we are a little too many to be taken care of, and dont worry Mr. minister, we have many more to sacrifise to your apathy. And yes, please bring more security when you come for a tour of the affected areas, you should not die trying to feign concern and sympathy, we wont want to confer martyrdom on you,if you manage to get mistakenly killed in the mayhem.

We are dying....

Can somebody HELP.

In what terms do we count the victims of a bomb blast, the people who got killed or those who are left behind collecting the limbs, or those who read and read again or listen and listen again to the news which says that there has been another blast in the city, and call up every relative, friend or acquaintance to make sure everyone they know is safe, `still alive` to be precise.
Yes, I am not safe, I am `still alive`, because I dint need groceries today,because I had no one in particular I wanted to meet today, because I stayed home the whole day, and mostly because perhaps it was not my turn today.
Are the Intelligence services defunct already, only we din`t realize, are we guarding the wrong frontiers or are has the terror war dissolved all frontiers already,what is it that we monitor round the clock but still cant see or foresee....
And when every thing has failed for sure, are we simply waiting for more bodies to arrive. When will the time come for attack, or at least for some meaningful defense,when will the government realize that this is a state of emergency and we need a national emergency now, that it needs to carry out a full scale offensive, and not one-to-one elimination; that now is the time to nab a hundred `suspects` if that would eliminate even one culprit, to hell with human rights,save the humans first.
We have nursed the maggots in our wounds for long now and not done anything to remove them thinking it might hurt that part of the body. We beg for peace, and pay a price for it and then again pay a price for having paid a price already.
Dear government, we are not left with the spirit to kick back to life in event of a looming threat, we cannot pretend that we are not terrorized, and more because of your inability to protect us. We cant light candles for the dead anymore, and show that we stand against terrorism. We are tired, and afraid.Please get those security cameras, alarms, ambulances and the guns in action...

Thursday, July 17, 2008


The Chinese are being taught to stand in queues while waiting for buses, trains, at theaters etc., for the upcoming Olympics… the scene looks hopeful, may be someday the consciousness comes home too..
Long time back when some superstar (Guess it was Mr. Bachhan) said `Hum jahan khade hote hain line wahan se shuru hoti hai`….., I am sure he dint mean to make it a national slogan. And everyone who travels in a metro, has had tickets booked at the railway station, travelled by domestic airlines, shopped in big-bazaar, lined up to get a pre-paid coupon at the food court in any mall, you must agree with me that waiting for your turn in a queue in India is a pain,…. With the aunties pushing at you, trying to get through to the counter as quickly as possible, and never mind if in the process,they have to crush your toe with their cart full of groceries, or hit your back with the heavy handbag, keep elbow-ing you till you are forced to move and make way, … forgive the aunties for they have noisy mom-in laws and hungry kids waiting at home. What irritates the hell out of me are the pretty damsels who would make a distressed face at the guys who are also waiting in the queues and have them make way for her-highness, you can often find one of them brush against you and wave a 500 rupee note at the guy standing behind the pre-paid food pass counter so that she can have the pass first, or push her baggage from right over your shoulder at the security check,…..Yes you are beautiful, now back off, I was here first…..
A friend of mine tried to reason with me, in a country of 1.13 billion, you cannot expect to find everyone queue up syatematically….but that is exactly the point I am trying to make, isn’t it time we accepted that we will have another hundred people waiting ahead of us wherever we go…is that not reason enough, that we must learn to stand in queue and wait for our turn, I dont see anyone who is not in a hurry, who is not as busy as I am, who does not hate waiting as much as I do….

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I could be.....

....a painter…..
Or a photographer, or a pianist, or a ballet dancer…..
But here I am, sitting in front of my computer system, doing things that anyone could do… life through forwarded good morning mails, tea-breaks, half-days, cricket matches, traffic jams, daily soaps…….. why am I doing what I am doing, why do I have to take orders, why does the boss have to be right always , what is it with projects that just cant get over on time, what is it with the dollar ,why does my kids’ school act so pricey, why cant in-laws do anything but complain, why did I get married, why did I have kids…….
Why can not we just stop cribbing about the way life is, meet her and ask the poor thing if she finds us fair.
The mechanic in you, WAKE UP!! Fix the engine and everything else that is making noise….and if you think you can get somewhere, I think you can get there without making much ado about it

Friday, July 11, 2008

9 to 5 lives...

One of these days, I was listening to my Boss talk about what is considered to be the parameter of success in present times , and as could be expected of a person who has worked for over 10 years in corporate, he believes that standards have risen to unattainable heights, and like every concerned and demanding(more often than not, demand is the only concern) citizen, he also blames the society (the ultimate culprit which no one ever cared to affiliate to a traceable, describable entity) to be responsible for this . According to him, a person is judged by the position he has in his company, and the no. of zeroes in his paycheck. True to much extent, and what left me thinking was not this times-have-changed cliché, which people of the better generation use to amuse themselves thinking that they had the easy way out of life, and things have only gotten worse. (I must make clear that my Boss does not belong to the glorious past; he is very much a contemporary). But I could not somehow agree when he says that an individual cannot follow his real vocation as not having a fixed, 9 to 5 job is considered to be the calling card of a failure. Why so, and why not. We usually get enough time to follow our whims, live recklessly, do nothing, achieve nothing….. and then when we decide to come back home, we are welcome. A 9 to 5 job is more choice than compulsion, a choice we make together with another millions who fall in same social status as ours, the same income group, who take the same 7.30 bus as we do, who have the same challenges in front of them, finishing tasks, meeting deadlines, making presentations, coordinating and mis-coordinating things…… and cribbing that the work just doesn’t seem to get over.

Why blame the villain society when it travels in the same bus as ours.