Sunday, November 9, 2008

1200 century, Bharat

Or whatever you called it then....
And I hope I get the date right.
Morning slogan : Send all non-marathis out of Maharashtra, bcz they are eating up on the employment in the state.
Chuck the rhetoric about globalisation, we need a 'pure' state. we will send away all the doctors, engineers , vendors, hawkers, conduct a 'purification ritual' and rebuild the state. And in return we will run a pick-up train collecting all our guys from each part of the country, the world, get them back home and again give them a good cleansing bath and add them to th rebuilding ceremony. While we drive out all pollutants from other states, we shall not leave our own guys to be kicked out, who knows the other not-so-good guys might want to get square.
We will play "My Home", not visit any other land, stop imports and exports because we want to have nothing to do with other people,swicth off tvs or watch only 'Maratha TV' channel or else it would be a sacrilege against the maratha spirit, we will not acknowledge the govt bcz it sits in Delhi and why the hell do we need any other government when we have self-proclaimed public Gods to make laws and run our 'Country'. We will eat and wear what we grow at home, no one of our people will go out on vacations to any other part of India or to any foreign country, let the hatred be true and functional.
And let me see if a couple of years down the line , I can also demand to me made a free country, an island to be precise and then I will float solitary to glory ...Cheerz!!

Help me, I might just die laughing, and plz tell me if I mixed up the dates or something bcz this kind of "no-outsider revolution" could not be happeing for real in this century, and that too in a literate, grown-up society. I am not asking for sensitivity, but for a little sensibility, an undertstanding of things around us, and if you are still in some dreamland, then get a life - No My Dear, you cannot survive alone !!