Sunday, October 5, 2008

Picchle saat dino me….maine khoya

Ek addhi padhi novel…
Meri laundry ka ek bill…
Nana na na na nana na na na…

What could losing a half read novel or a laundry bill possibly mean, let me see, it could mean having lived a few light years in a flash, having travelled over half the globe with eyes closed only to wake up and find yourself in a place where everyone speaks a different language and everything hangs upside down, it could mean having forgotten to walk and tumble every time you try to put a step forward, it could mean to find that nobody lives at the address you thought they did, or is found on the phone number you thought they had, it could mean to learn that the world around you was never the way you thought it was, and the bitter enlightenment hits right at the time you want it to be the last thing to start happening for real…. But then, remember, it’s the losing season for you….
Let me count what all I have lost in the last few days, a phone with a few important contact addresses and some pics I liked, a wallet with some money inside, not a big amount but I was really counting on it to avoid having to borrow from someone, a digital dictionary which I seldom used but liked having…… strange how things look so important after you have lost them- what is it, human psychology, sheer nostalgia, duh duh… then I lost a coffee mug I bought in pair, a pair of shoes…funny , who would ever need those , I believe someone should always use the things that you lose, what is point in not having them anymore then…. then, I lost some people I loved, a few people I thought I could trust, a few coins from Russia and Philippines I got as gift from my friends at the university, a couple of stuffed toys…phew…..
And now, I think of people who tell me I am crazy keeping a list of things that I lost during the journey, that’s life my friend they tell me….. crap. Don’t teach me about this emotional baggage crap, it’s a goodie bag for sure, if not a treasure box. Count and keep a list of things you lose, you would know how to value what you are left with….on the contrary, it might even help you now get rid of things which you were meaninglessly hanging on to thinking it did matter but knew deep inside that it was just your 'cancerian' coin,matchbox,doll-collector-self at play..

Mere kaam ka ek paper…
Ek ladki ka phone number…
Nana na na na, nana na na na

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