Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I could be.....

....a painter…..
Or a photographer, or a pianist, or a ballet dancer…..
But here I am, sitting in front of my computer system, doing things that anyone could do…..living life through forwarded good morning mails, tea-breaks, half-days, cricket matches, traffic jams, daily soaps…….. why am I doing what I am doing, why do I have to take orders, why does the boss have to be right always , what is it with projects that just cant get over on time, what is it with the dollar ,why does my kids’ school act so pricey, why cant in-laws do anything but complain, why did I get married, why did I have kids…….
Why can not we just stop cribbing about the way life is, meet her and ask the poor thing if she finds us fair.
The mechanic in you, WAKE UP!! Fix the engine and everything else that is making noise….and if you think you can get somewhere, I think you can get there without making much ado about it

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