Thursday, July 17, 2008


The Chinese are being taught to stand in queues while waiting for buses, trains, at theaters etc., for the upcoming Olympics… the scene looks hopeful, may be someday the consciousness comes home too..
Long time back when some superstar (Guess it was Mr. Bachhan) said `Hum jahan khade hote hain line wahan se shuru hoti hai`….., I am sure he dint mean to make it a national slogan. And everyone who travels in a metro, has had tickets booked at the railway station, travelled by domestic airlines, shopped in big-bazaar, lined up to get a pre-paid coupon at the food court in any mall, you must agree with me that waiting for your turn in a queue in India is a pain,…. With the aunties pushing at you, trying to get through to the counter as quickly as possible, and never mind if in the process,they have to crush your toe with their cart full of groceries, or hit your back with the heavy handbag, keep elbow-ing you till you are forced to move and make way, … forgive the aunties for they have noisy mom-in laws and hungry kids waiting at home. What irritates the hell out of me are the pretty damsels who would make a distressed face at the guys who are also waiting in the queues and have them make way for her-highness, you can often find one of them brush against you and wave a 500 rupee note at the guy standing behind the pre-paid food pass counter so that she can have the pass first, or push her baggage from right over your shoulder at the security check,…..Yes you are beautiful, now back off, I was here first…..
A friend of mine tried to reason with me, in a country of 1.13 billion, you cannot expect to find everyone queue up syatematically….but that is exactly the point I am trying to make, isn’t it time we accepted that we will have another hundred people waiting ahead of us wherever we go…is that not reason enough, that we must learn to stand in queue and wait for our turn, I dont see anyone who is not in a hurry, who is not as busy as I am, who does not hate waiting as much as I do….


Jayant said...

anshu san, call it "situational comedy". unlike the laws in china, nobody is going to beat up those "priviledged people" for this thing in India. Many people(actually most of them) get enlightened about many things after retirement here. But, it's a pity that the young generation too is ignoring the very first lessons of democracy, civilization and education.

anshu said...
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anshu said...

It indeed is a pity, that we take one whole life time to learn the most basic things, and while we are sleeping to etiquettes, our younger ones go ahead and imbibe all the easy-way-out tactics that we used to employ....