Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I doubt, therefore I think

wonder how it feels to be saying things at a place where it would be heard loud, speaking your heart out on a public forum, for everyone to read and know and judge and comment ..... lets play and see!!
I talk a lot, I am heard by people as well, and in the course of being judged,misjudged, praised, criticized,loved,despised....I realized that ultimately every bittersweet moment will fade away with time, something which caused pain would be looked upon as a mere spelling error..... something which brought joy will be just a date marked in the calendar...
What is it that stays then,... words tucked safely with the curtain of time, so that when I draw it everytime to let the sunlight come in, they roll down and spread all about me, and I can have it all back, to recall, to rejoice !!
Words could be the weapon, and they could be the shield.....and when used in complete honesty, they could be eyes,ears, skin and mind.
My words are my mind, what I think is what I wish to pen down, and what I wish to pen down is what I see, and hear and feel about people I have met or those I meet everyday, what I see them doing, what I hear them saying, and sometimes, what I doubt about the things I see and hear......


Jayant said...

good going....
thinking on the words and the role they play....
eyes, ears and mouth are the faculties that let us connect with the outer world....the only tools for this very purpose...
and that's why they have dimensions still unknown to us....
let the life be a journey on a four-wheeler - seeing, listening, speaking and thinking...that's really what life is supposed to be..
words and images are the only constituents of our brains...through which we understand anything, deal with anything...
lets welcome the obsession they promise.....
hope you explore
your new obsession and hobby fully and enjoy...nsrzmitu

anshu said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement.